But the fire is so delightful,
And since we've no place to go,
Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!
It doesn't show signs of stopping,
And I've bought some corn for popping,
The lights are turned way down low,
Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!
When we finally kiss goodnight,
How I'll hate going out in the storm!
But if you'll really hold me tight,
All the way home I'll be warm.
The fire is slowly dying,
And, my dear, we're still good-bying,
But as long as you love me so,
Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!

Ally McBeal'i izlerken çıktı bu parça karşıma. Çok uzaklarda unutmuş gitmişim oysa severim bu parçayı. Vonda Shepard da hakkını vermiş doğrusu. Dean Martin'in hareketli yorumuna karşın Vonda Shepard hüzünle harmanlamış bu şarkıyı. Aslında sözlerine bakınca haksız da sayılmaz. Veda şarkısı bu nasıl hüzünlü olmasın. Şarkı bana evimi, Ankara'yı hatırlattı. Kar ne güzel de yakışır Ankara'ya...Bir yeni yıla da evimden uzakta gün sayıyorum. Geçen sene havalimanındayım bu sene sanırım otogarda olacağım. Yine saat tam onikiyi vurduğunda evde sevdiklerimle olabilmek için var gücümle, taşıdığım bavula (daha doğrusu bavullara) aldırış etmeksizin koşar adım Ankara'nın soğuğuna karışacağım gece vakti. Biraz da olsa kar yağsa ne olur; ne olur yüreğimdeki sızıya birazcık merhem olsa. Biliyorum bu yarada diğerleri gibi kabuk bağlayacak, bir anı olarak yerini alacak ama yeni yılda az da olsa kar yağsa güzel olmaz mı? Belki, belki...

Growing up in Utah... snow is a must for Christmas. As of right now when I look out my window... I see grass and black asphalt... tomorrow we shut the classroom door for winter break and relaxation. I'm hoping for a white Christmas... Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow!!!
Monday, December 19, 2011

Wiping my brow...and celebrating with a happy dance... I'm giddy to announce that SNOW MUCH FUN is complete and posted. I hope we all find great success and enjoyment with these complete common core centers. I appreciate your suggestions and encouragement!! I added Math Talk Cards for each center and a sharing time SNOW MUCH FUN spinner to conclude each day of math stations

Yesterday my second graders loved reviewing their graphing skills with Holiday Marshmallows... so... if you can grab a few bags at Walmart or Target this weeked... download this freebie this weekend and enjoy a sweet review in your class, too

I've really been enjoying the math stations this year and feel they are very benefical for the students (and enjoyable... they LOVE them). The kiddos saw my lamination of MUST BE SANTA and they were giddie with delight... anyways... we (Davis District in Utah) are preparing to switch over to the common core and I've been doing my research up the wazoo. Basically the common core math is divided into 4 critical areas:
1-Base Ten Notation
2- Fluency with Addition and Subtraction
3- Using Standard Units of Measure
4- Describing and Analyzing Shapes
In developing my newest unit... I've incorporated my new information and I'd love your input (those of you that ARE teaching by the common core and those that are preparing like myself).
The Unit is SNOW MUCH FUN! It will have 12 stations (3 in each critical area) along with box/chart numbers and punch card. Each station will have:
task card and directions
hands-on activity
independent assignment
station booklet for the entire class to complete 1 page on the subject
math facts game (to soak up the remaining time difference for each station PLUS get those math facts memorized!!! :)
I've attached the first part of the unit (as I'm still up to my elbows in the rest ;) ... it is the BASE TEN NOTATION section. It will give you an idea of the entire unit and let you see a bit of each station. As I said before, I'd love your professional input and suggestions... please leave me a comment if you download this freebie...and help me make this valuable for all of us. Thanks so much... Lory
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