MISS AMERICA 2012 CONTESTANT - Jennifer Sedler (Arizona)'s Photo & Profile/Biography

Jennifer Sedler
Chandler, Arizona
Age: 20

Hamilton High School
University of Arizona Honors College of Medicine

Platform Issue: Supporting Children with Life Threatening Illnesses

Scholastic Ambition: To graduate with honors and attend medical school

Talent: Jazz Dance

Scholastic Honors: 4.0 GPA in Honors College; Arizona Board of Regents High Honors Tuition Scholarship; Member of National Honor Society

Career Ambition: To become a pediatric oncologist

Local Competition Sponsor: Miss Phoenix Scholarship Pageant

State Competition Sponsor: Miss Arizona Scholarship Foundation Inc.

Special thanks and credits to us-beauty-pageant.blogspot.com

source: (Thank you and credits to
and all sources for the information and pictures)

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